A large retail / office premises (D1 Previously was in used as Cafe, Dance and Tuition Studio) is available for letting in a fairly busy parade of West Ealing, London, W13. The premises is comprises of 1795 Sq. Ft. And divided in a good amount of units, ample sanitary facilities, kitchenette and meeting rooms, laminated flooring and gas central heating is available too. The nearest public transport links is West Ealing Station, which approximately is 10 minutes by walk from the property. The nearest London Underground station is Ealing Broadway which is approximately 7 minutes’ drive from the property. There are also bus routes available connecting to a variety of locations. The property is approximately 9 miles West of Central London, and 8 miles of from Heathrow Airport.
Front parking for up to two cars is available on the site. For more parking speak to the landlord / agency.
LOCATION: Broadway, West Ealing, London, W13 9BE
Asking Rent: £ 2900pcm / £ 670pcw / £35,000 P.A.+ Bills & Business Rate.
Premium / goodwill for features and fittings NIL
Viewings: Viewings strictly via an appointed agent (Property Hub Limited)
Tenant(s) Fees :
While renting a commercial property in England & Wales, via an estate agency you may be liable to pay the administration and agency fees, for more details and the level of fees payable as tenant(s) please ask our agency/negotiator.
The information displayed about this property comprises a property advertisement. Property Hub, Wembley aims to give as accurate as possible information, however, if you come to know or are aware of any information which is inaccurate, please inform our office and we will make sure it gets corrected without any delay. Property Hub has no control over the content as some of the figures and numbers are provided by the landlord, however, we advise you to check the lease thoroughly prior to signing the lease or any legal documents. This property advertisement does not constitute property particulars, the property may offer tenants the same condition as they have seen at the time of viewing. The information is provided and maintained by Property Hub, Wembley. * While renting a commercial property through the agency you may be liable to pay agency fees.