Energy and Net Zero Secretary Ed Miliband has announced at the Labour Conference that he will take a firm stance against landlords who rent out 'cold and draughty' homes.
Miliband informed Labour supporters that, starting in 2030, landlords will be prohibited from renting properties that fall below an EPC rating of ‘C’.
While this policy had been previously discussed by Miliband, who serves as the Secretary for Energy Security and Net Zero, he used his speech at the Labour Party Conference to deliver a passionate critique of landlords who offer substandard housing, warning that the government would take even more decisive action.
In his official announcement, he stated: “Many of the poorest in our country live in cold, drafty homes, and many of these are rented from private landlords who fail to meet decent standards.”
He continued, “I declare this a Tory legacy, a Tory scandal, a Tory outrage… this Labour Government will not stand for it. We will put an end to this injustice by ensuring decent standards for private rented homes—warmer homes and lower bills.”
This policy, which mandates that landlords upgrade their properties before they can rent them out, was initially proposed in the Labour manifesto and discussed in Parliament last month. It effectively reverses the previous government's decision to abandon mandatory EPC ‘C’ ratings, a move announced by former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in September of last year.
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